redwood_pe_logoHome Page for Mr. Long's Redwood Physical Education 


This course includes instruction, drill, and participation in a wide variety of sports and activities. Emphasis is placed on student willingness to make a positive effort to participate in class.

Physical education is a required subject for all students in the State of California unless excused from participation, in writing, by a physician licensed by the State of California.


1. Teach the importance of developing a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness through proper exercise and nutrition.
2. Teach the importance of developing life skills (i.e. effort, responsibility, cooperation, perseverance).
3. Develop individual responsibility (i.e. personal hygiene, suiting out, and locker room behavior).


1. Physical Education uniform must be worn in its entirety everyday, unless informed otherwise.

  • Shirt (available at Redwood)- gray, short sleeve.
  • Shorts (available at Redwood)- royal blue
  • Socks - white
  • Shoes - athletic shoes only
  • Sweats - (optional) -  

2. Students should be ready for fall and winter months and any changes in weather.
3. All non-suits will be expected to participate even if they are not dressed out for class. Proper footwear is expected at school. Wearing school clothes under P.E. uniform will be considered a non-suit.
4. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, or other jewelry that may be dangerous during physical activity must be removed before class.
5. Missing clothing or other items should be reported to the P.E. teacher immediately. Lost and found will be located in the main office.

All clothing and duffel bags will be labeled by the P.E. staff with permanent black ink. No other writing, symbols, or designer logos of any kind will be allowed. Any torn or altered clothing is not permitted and must be replaced.


  • All students will be assigned a P.E. locker for personal belongings.  Put all belongings (clothing, purses, and any valuables) in your locker and lock it at all times to avoid theft.
  • The P.E. locker rooms are not open during break or lunch. the locker room will NOT be open after school on Friday. Students should take their P.E. clothes with them after class on Friday so they can be laundered each weekend.
  • Students should not be in the locker room except when they are in P.E. or after school sports.
  • Running into and out of the locker rooms is not permitted.


Anytime a parent wishes their child to be excused from participating in P.E. class due to an illness or injury, a note is required. When excused from P.E. the student is required to dress out. Please include the following within the note.

  • List the illness or injury
  • State how many days the student is to be excused
  • Signed and dated by parent / guardian.
  • Phone number and/or email.
  • A doctor's note is mandatory for excuses of 3 or more days.


  • Excessive absences, even with a parental excuse, will have an impact on the student's participation grade. Make-up work or alternative activities can be obtained from the teacher.
  • A student can be tardy to the locker room and also to roll call numbers.
  • Locker rooms will be locked during class. If students come late, they must have a teacher or office note and are to report to their P.E. station to meet with their class.
  • Students are given 5 minutes at the end of the period (plus the 5 minute passing period) to change clothes, etc. for the next class.
  • All students must remain in the quad until the passing bell rings.


  • Proper sportsmanship and the use of appropriate language are important. One of the goals of the Physical Education program is to have students accept and respect the performances of others regardless of ability level and to interact positively with classmates and instructors.
  • Swearing and gum chewing is not tolerated.
  • All students are expected to show proper care of and use of all school equipment and materials. Students who lose or damage equipment will be expected to replace it.


     Grading Scale
Participation / Attendance = 40%    A = 90 - 100
Skills Test / Written Test = 20%   B = 80 - 89
Physical Fitness = 20%    C = 70 - 79
Homework / Notebook = 20%    D = 60 - 69
      F = Below 59





Bullying Pledge