Page for Mr. Long's Redwood Physical Education
You have found the home base for Redwood Intramurals. This program has been run jointly by Mr. Grenier and Mr. Long since 2006. Our purpose is to provide students at Redwood the opportunity to join and be part of a team to compete athletically in a variety of sports that might not be available otherwise. Redwood intramurals is not associated with afterschool sports. Anyone who is interested in participating is welcome, there are no tryouts or cuts. The more students that come out to participate the better! When participating the goal should be camaraderie, respect, exercise, and friendly competition.
The games take place at lunch time on the upper field or upper blacktop. There is no other obligation other than showing up and participating in your game with your team.
I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but
today it means getting along with people.
- Mohandas Ghandi