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Mr. Long's 7th Grade P.E. 

 Archery is next!  Test on Wednesday!

Archery link

 Team Building Questions:
*Write about your human ladder experience.

*Write about someone in class who has done a good job with teamwork, respect, & caring for others.

*Write about the Spider's Web.  How did your group do? 

*Trust falls are coming up next.  How are you feeling about it?

*How would you describe your trust level in the class.  Using a circle as a measure, are you outside the circle (no trust), on the line of the circle (uneasy but getting there), half way in the circle (feeling pretty good, perhaps a reservation or two), or right in the middle (full trust, we can accomplish anything, no hesitation with trusting my peers).  Where would you place your dot and why?


* Who is someone in the class that you didn't know well that you have a new found respect for?  Why?

* Write about your trust fall experience.  In what role did you participate?

* Reflect upon your overall 7th grade team building experience.


Get out and get active project is due May 30th.  Early turn in is okay.


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I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles;  but today it means getting along with people.

- Mohandas Ghandi